About this blog

Penny have lost six relatives to cancer. Both sides of my family have suffered very cruelly and I now volunteer and blog to raise awareness and make a small difference in the fight against this terrible disease.

Blogs written by Penny

  • Patient Name: George
  • Cancer Type: Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Age when diagnosed: 2

The world has changed so much since 2011
A decade. Three Prime Ministers, Brexit, Covid-19.
Ten years ago I woke up on my 22nd birthday and was opening my gifts when the phone rang. As soon as my friend gasped, jumped up and ran out of the room, a cold ...

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Losing George
On this day (25th April) six years ago I woke up on my 22nd birthday and was opening my presents when my mum called me to tell me my beautiful cousin Georgie had passed away a few hours before. Just like that this day had changed into the ...

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Talking about cancer

13th July 2018

Six relatives lost to cancer
The first was my Dada (uncle) Sotiris, my dad’s brother, who died when he was 31 years old of colon cancer. He was my dad’s best friend and brother. I was two years old at the time and my only memories are the ones I ...

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