Fancy winning our top prize of £25,000?
For as little as £1, you can enter our Christmas Grand Draw and be in with a chance of winning our jackpot prize of £25,000! There are also more than 150 runners up cash prizes to be won.
By playing the raffle you can help more children to receive better, kinder treatments – and bring us closer to a world where every child with cancer survives.
When Morven’s mum noticed something wrong with her eye, she didn’t immediately think of cancer. But what came next was devastating news that would change seven-year-old Morven’s life forever: Morven had a tumour. She then needed nine rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
No child should have to go through this. To support our vision where every child survives cancer, play our Christmas Raffle today. Enter now and you could help to fund vital research that will lead to safer and more effective treatments for children like Morven.
Early Bird Draw
Play by 1 November to be entered into our Early Bird Draw, and you could be in with a chance to win one of 10 additional £50 prizes.
Ways you can play
Enter online, by phone or by post. Playing our Christmas Grand Draw is easy. You can enter online by clicking the link below. If you haven’t received a pack but would like to, you can request one by emailing or by calling our friendly team on 0800 222 9000. (Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm).
The all important dates
Early Bird closing date
Friday 1 November 2024
Main draw closing date
Monday 6 January 2025
Draw date
Monday 13 January 2025
Winners published
Thursday 23 January 2025
How your money helps
Who you’re helping
By playing our Christmas Grand Draw , you can support our vital work to find kinder and better treatments for children like Morven. Here, her mum Cara tells their story in her own words.
In November 2019, I noticed a slight drooping in Morven’s left eyelid. Our GP suggested it could be a problem with the muscle connected to the eyelid, and an MRI scan was recommended – but there was a wait. After a few weeks, Moven’s eyelid had drooped further, turned purple and started to bulge outwards. We were very alarmed and asked for her to be seen urgently.
The results brought devastating news: Morven had rhabdomyosarcoma. Our world was turned upside down as we tried to make sense of everything.
Morven needed nine rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Her first round was 1 February 2020. She was dreadfully sick, throwing up for two days. It was excruciating to watch, but the second round was slightly better. She even remained well enough for school and ran in the inter schools’ cross country. I was so incredibly proud. But life became even more challenging in the third chemotherapy round when COVID-19 hit.
Soon afterwards, Morven started proton beam therapy (a type of radiotherapy) and thankfully, we were given the news in September that the cancer had gone.
Morven then returned to school, and she’s never looked back. She excels academically and loves sports, particularly football and running. She has even played at a summer camp for Chelsea FC – her dream.
By playing our Christmas Grand Draw, you’re funding vital research that could lead to better, kinder treatments – helping more children like Morven survive cancer and fulfil their dreams.
Cara, Morven’s mum

Latest winners
Congratulations to our Christmas Grand Draw Winners
1st £25,000 Mrs S Parfitt
2nd £2,500 Mr D Richardson
3rd £1,000 Mr Roger Carver
To see all the winners, please visit our Grand Draw website.
Read the Grand Draw Terms & Conditions
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We appreciate your support during this time.

Morven’s Story
Morven was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a form of soft-tissue sarcoma which starts in the muscle cells, when she was just seven years old.
Read Morven's story
Weekly Winners Lottery
Every week, you could win one of 100 guaranteed cash prizes – including our fantastic £1,000 jackpot. It’s a great way to have some fun while helping children with cancer.
Enter online
Vital research
For children like Morven, research is vital in achieving our ultimate aim of every child and young person surviving cancer – including the exciting project led by Dr Sam Behjati and Dr Karin Straathof.
Find out more