Survivor Guilt
Every 14 minutes in the UK, someone is diagnosed with blood cancer or a related disorder. That’s almost 38,000 people every year – 104 each day.
Blood cancer research is saving lives; today, two thirds of everyone diagnosed with blood cancer will still be with us in five years’ time. When Blood Cancer UK (formerly known as Bloodwise) were founded in 1960, almost no-one survived for this long. Only 1 in 10 children with Leukaemia survived. Why was Andrew one of the 9 in 10 who survive childhood Leukaemia nowadays? To move beyond survivor guilt is to “look ahead and try to bring something good out of the experience”. In my book the word Guilt actually only appears 4 times, I found it hard to be honest and write down. The word Good appears 51 times. Despite the guilt I constantly looked for the good so I wanted the book to be a record of our success and positivity. For the next family in our position to get hope and strength for the long dark days ahead, knowing that someone else had already been there, felt guilty and moved on. #CCAM #BCAM #questforacure #makebloodcancervisible
This article was reproduced with permission from author, [Melody] and was originally published at: 13.04.18 Want to share your story? Please email