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We’re heading to the North Downs with a fabulous challenge setting out from our Guilford basecamp. Choose your distance, and walk, jog or run the full looped 50km route, a 25km half challenge, or even the Guildford 10km. Take in some of the best of the Surrey hills, the North Downs Way, and the surrounding countryside. A route with real variety and some wonderful scenery & views.
By joining the North Downs 50 Ultra Challenge team, you will receive the following support from us:
To find out more about the fundraising requirements and to join our team, please click on the button below. If you are having any issues or have any questions at all, please email us at or phone us on 020 74307788.
If there are any other events you would like to take part in the Ultra Challenge series you would like to take part in to support Children with Cancer UK, you can read about the events and sign up straight away here
Patient Story – Florrie H
Florrie was diagnosed with multi system Langerhans cell histiocytosis on 21 September 2020 when she was just 18 months
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