About this event

Race down Penny Lane! The marathon course shows off the best of Liverpool. Race by the new Beatles statue, the historic Liver Building and Matthew Street, run down Penny Lane and through colourful Chinatown. All races start at Albert Docks and finish outside Echo Arena.

What to expect from Children with Cancer UK

You can be part of our team whether you secure your own place independently of the charity or are allocated one of our charity places. As part of our team you will receive the following support from us;
  • Fundraising Pack containing lots of fundraising advice
  • Regular emails to provide top tips
  • A bright running vest
If you have any questions please email sports@childrenwithcancer.org.uk for more information.

Location & Date

  • Albert Dock, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • May 26, 2019

Contact Details

Registration Forms

Registration fee: £0 Fundraising target: as much as possible If you have secured your own place already through the race organisers, please complete the form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.
    If you would like to book more than 5 places, please call us on 020 7404 0808 or email sports@childrenwithcancer.org.uk
  • £ 0.00
  • I would like to be contacted by Children with Cancer UK about taking part in their fundraising events, such as the Liverpool Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, as well as their charitable work. Please contact me by:
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We don’t have any charity places at the moment. If you have secured your place yourself, we’d love to have you on our team!
Registration fee: £0 Fundraising target: as much as possible If you have secured your own place already through the race organisers, please complete the form below.

  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 5.
    If you would like to book more than 5 places, please call us on 020 7404 0808 or email sports@childrenwithcancer.org.uk
  • £ 0.00
  • I would like to be contacted by Children with Cancer UK about taking part in their fundraising events, such as the Liverpool Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, as well as their charitable work. Please contact me by:
  • This field is hidden when viewing the form

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We don’t have any charity places at the moment. If you have secured your place yourself, we’d love to have you on our team!