My life changed forever
On January 21st 2015 my life changed forever. On this day after eight weeks of continually being unwell and taking little man to the doctors over and over again to be told on each visit that Devon had nothing more than a virus. I finally got a doctor to listen to my concerns that this was something more serious and he referred Devon to the hospital that same day for some tests. Later that day in the hospital a junior who examined Devon said that she could feel a lump in his tummy and he was sent for an ultrasound scan. That was the start of the most heart-breaking traumatic and emotional journey I have ever been on. That night Devon got transferred to hospital and after more tests my little managed just two years and 10 months old was diagnosed with Stage IV MYCN amplified Neuroblastoma with bone and liver metastases. In short this means Devon had a large solid aggressive tumour growing in his belly into his liver and into his kidneys he also had small cells of the tumour in his legs and a couple in his chest. Devon became critical with the first couple of weeks of diagnosis and we never got to leave the hospital that day until the middle of March when we finally returned to our home. Since then Devon has endured months and months of hospital stays receiving the harshest of treatments to treat his cancer including eight cycles of chemo, removal of 95% of the main tumour and removal of his kidney. Stem cell harvest and stem cell transplant, radiotherapy and six months of immunotherapy.