Diagnosis and treatment
In 2003 at the age of five, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Having been so young I don’t remember every little detail but a lot of memories have stayed with me and for that I am grateful. Grateful because it has been a part of my journey in making me the person I am today.
The initial symptoms that my parents noticed were bruising all over my body and fatigue. I was constantly complaining I couldn’t walk far because my legs were tired, this then led them to booking an appointment with our local GP. This then eventually lead to my diagnosis on 9 May 2003. My treatment then began shortly after on 12 May 2003.
Treatment began by having intensive chemotherapy to get rid of as many leukaemia cells as possible. During this time, I was staying at the biggest children’s hospital in London so that the doctors could monitor me and also take bone marrow tests to see how I was responding to the treatment. To begin with I was on the Regimen A treatment plan. However, this was changed due to my bone marrow results and I was then placed on Regimen C. I was also given a portacath which I had for the years of my treatment.