The Great Charity Run

Challenge yourself to complete 30, 60, 90 or 120 miles in a month.

Reach your target and you’ll receive your well-earned medal in the post.

How it works:

1) Sign up
2) Complete your challenge
3) Upload your evidence to on completion
4) Put your feet up
5) Wait for the postman to drop off your medal!

Sign up

Location & Date

  • You choose date and location
  • June 30, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Contact Details

Evidence Submission

Simply take a picture of your fitness tracker, watch or any other tech device which can show you having completed your challenge and send it via email to with your name, the name of the challenge you did and our charity name. Alternatively you can submit daily written logs or a picture of you at the end of your challenge with your time and distance written on a piece of paper.

What to expect from Children with Cancer UK

When you join our team, you’ll receive the following support from us;

  • A Fundraising Pack containing lots of fundraising advice
  • Regular emails to provide top tips
  • Your own Team Children with Cancer UK top
  • A friendly team on hand to support you
Sign up